CHANGELOG Boston - Corporate Parallax WordPress Theme! 3.9 (31.07.2020) - update: Updated Slider Revolution to vertsion 6.4.6 - update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress to version 6.6.0 - update: Updated Custom Sidebars – Dynamic Sidebar Widget Area Manager to version 3.31 3.8 (17.07.2018) - bugfix: Updated single blog post errors - update: Theme is now using Custom Sidebar 3.2.3 - update: Theme is now using Size Guide for Woocommerce 3.6 - update: Theme is now using Slider Revolution 6.2.12 - update: Theme is compatible with WordPress 5.4.x - update: Theme is compatible with WooCommerce 4.2.x 3.7 (19.09.2017) - update: Theme is now using Custom Sidebar 3.1.1 - update: Theme is now using Size Guide for Woocommerce 2.6 - update: Theme is now using Slider Revolution - update: Theme is compatible with WordPress 4.9.1 - update: Theme is compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.5 - bugfix: Google Analytics function romoved from the theme 3.6 (06.02.2017) - bugfix: compatibility with PHP 7 fixed - bugfix: jquery.queryloader2.min.js updated to version 3.2.2 - bugfix: links compatibility with SSL - feature: adding parameters to portfolio shortcode 3.5 (14.11.2016) - bugfix: FAQ style fix - bugfix: Compatibility with PHP 7 3.4 (29.04.2016) - bugfix: Authentication for the standard API for Google Maps - bugfix: Accordion not auto collapsing previously opened panel - bugfix: Animate.css don't work - blank spaces - bugfix: Update Revolution Slider to version 5.2.5 - bugfix: Update Woocommerce template to version 2.6.2 3.3 (08.03.2016) - bugfix: Contact forms - increased security 3.2 (27.01.2016) - bugfix: Isotope issue in work shortcode - bugfix: Problem with the Catalog plugin installation. - bugfix: Update Woocommerce template to version 2.5.0 - bugfix: IOS 9 Compability - bugfix: Php error on blog pages 3.1 (26.11.2015) - feature: added Recent posts advanced plugin - bugfix: Accordion issue - bugfix: Kenburs effect transition improvements 3.0 (04.11.2015) - bugfix: Blog Page - excerpt limitation. 2.9 (01.07.2015) - bugfix: Customizer: saving changes issue - bugfix: Setting Blog page Header parallax - bugfix: Woocommerce update to 2.4.7 2.8 (17.06.2015) - bugfix: Premium WooCoomerce plugins 2.7 (25.05.2015) - bugfix: Magnific popup portfolio preview - bugfix: Portfolio categories translation - bugfix: Option to hide portoflio categories 2.6 (24.04.2015) - bugfix: XSS vulnerability update 2.5 (25.02.2015) - bugfix: Blog sidebar hide/show settings 2.4 (21.02.2015) - bugfix: Monthly word in price list - bugfix: remove a btn when no data is added - bugfix: Revolution Slider import 2.3 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: php errors in theme functions - bugfix: blog sidebar widgets now displayed properly 2.2 (19.02.2015) - feature: Portfolio support Revolution Slider - feature: Revolution Slider updated to latest version - feature: Contact Form - increased compatiblity - feature: updated translation files 2.1 (19.02.2015) - feature: page templates with right and left sidebar added - feature: video slider now supports also YouTube 2.0 (19.02.2015) - feature: Twitter widget can now cache results for faster load time - feature: Mobile menu collapses on click - bugfix: Shortcode Generator in Visual mode for WP 3.9+ - bugfix: 1 Click Demo Import compatibility fixes 1.9 (19.02.2015) - feature: 1 Click Demo Import displays progress bar - bugfix: template with right sidebar render issue 1.8 (19.02.2015) - feature: improved newsletter alert design 1.7 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: fixed missing javascript libs - bugfix: alt attributes for flex and logo sliders 1.6 (19.02.2015) - feature: social icons can now be opened in new window - feature: video post is now responsive - bugfix: font awesome improvements - bugfix: sidebar responsivness - bugfix: scroll to top improved appearance 1.5 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: newsletter email issues 1.4 (19.02.2015) - feature: portfolio images will know use thumbnail generation - bugfix: google map compatibility - bugfix: portfolio filters should work with accented characters 1.3 (19.02.2015) - feature: new Countdown shortcode - feature: enable/disable grayscale for portfolio - bugfix: minor menu responsive adjustments 1.2 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: fixed tagging - bugfix: contact form message issue 1.1 (19.02.2015) - feature: improved mobile devices performance - feature: iPad major adjustments - feature: page loader 1.0 (19.02.2015) - initial release